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Category Archives: Abraham Hicks
How to make peace with “What Is”
(NB I’ve written a more lengthy discussion on my understanding of this process here in this article: Making Peace with What is) Sometimes what you see in your current reality and existence may not be exactly what you want. But … Continue reading
Belief Training: How to go from negative beliefs to positive beliefs
How to gradually change beliefs: Step 1: Make peace with where you are right now: Rather than resisting your current belief and pushing against “what is”, try to let go of the idea that you need to fight off beliefs … Continue reading
Posted in Abraham Hicks
Tagged belief practice, belief practise, belief training, beliefs, believe, believing, believing new things, change a belief, change beliefs, change your beliefs, changing beliefs, how to change beleifs, new beliefs, practising new beliefs, shifting beliefs, training beliefs
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How to find the fun – Abraham Hicks perspective
According to Abraham Hicks the purpose of life is to have fun, feel happy and feel the joy. But how do you find fun when you don’t know where to look? Especially if you’re in a temporary state when nothing … Continue reading
Chronic Boredom: How to stop being Bored according to Abraham Hicks
“A feeling of Lethargy or Boredom, indicates a very little focused desire in the moment.” – Abraham Hicks (Source) To stop being bored, it isn’t about being so busy that you forget to be bored. It isn’t about picking any … Continue reading
Making decisions the Abraham Hicks way
When we have a decision to make, there are two main ways to go about it: 1.) The “reasoning mind way” and 2.) The “Source guided way”. A lot of people who aren’t in the “receptive mode” and aren’t “tunde … Continue reading
Posted in Abraham Hicks
Tagged abraham hicks decding, abraham hicks decision making, abraham hicks decisions, abraham hicks making decisions, deciding on things, decision making, how to choose things, how to know the right way, how to know whats right for me, how to make decisions, how to pick, how to pick the right direction, how to pick the right way, how to pick things, making decisions, spiritual decisions
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Abraham Hicks on Self-Consciousness
What is feeling self-conscious? Feeling self-conscious is a state where you’re so aware of what you’re saying and what you’re doing, that you don’t feel free to relax and be yourself. Often self-consciousness comes with feelings of fear of others … Continue reading
What is “letting go” according to Abraham Hicks?
According to a recording I heard by Abraham Hicks, they say that letting go of something involves: 1.) Not trying too hard 2.) Not being too introspective about it 3.) Having a relaxed, easy-about-it, trusting intention that you’ll feel yourself … Continue reading
How to feel any desired feeling according to Abraham Hicks
Abraham Hicks suggest the following simple steps to feel any positive feeling on a regular basis: 1.) Find a non-resistant statement to express what you are wanting Say your desire is “to feel happy”. There is more than one way … Continue reading
Posted in Abraham Hicks
Tagged abraham hicks practice, feel good practice, feel good practise, how to raise your set point, how to raise your vibration, how to raise your vibrational set point, practice feeling good, practise feeling good, raising vibrational set point, raising your vibration, raising your vibrational set point
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Abraham Hicks Pivoting technique tip: Use Soothing Words that resonate with you without a wobble
When using positive pivoting of thoughts to go up the emotional scale from less-good feelings to increasingly better feelings, here’s a useful tip: Use words that you believe in your soothing statements. For example: “I want to feel love for … Continue reading