Hand Reading.. Palmistry.. Palm reading.. Hand analysis..
Whatever you call it, the field of hand reading is a HUGE field that can go into a lot of detail and depth. This series I’m writing on Hand Reading will hopefully ease you into it gently, starting with the easiest stuff and gradually going into more detail and depth as we go.
So before we dive into what different signs and markings on the hands mean, let’s first start with a bit of background.
Hand Reading can be divided into two main parts
Within hand reading, there are two main parts:
1.) Chiromancy = Reading the Lines on the palm
2.) Chirognomy = Reading hand qualities like hand shape, color and texture, and finger qualities.
We’ll be looking into both these parts of hand reading over the course of this article series.
Why do we have lines on our palms in the first place?
Usually the first thing people think about when it comes to palmistry is reading the lines on the palms. But have you ever wondered why we have lines on our palms?
A common misconception is that the lines on the hand are there through the folding of the skin that occurs due to repeated hand movements. Research by palmists has found that this is not the case. Some palm lines have been found to already be present when the baby is in the womb and the lines develop throughout life. During puberty for example the lines that relate to emotional and sexual development are often seen to change, and at other times, new lines can form and old ones can fade, in accordance with what you’re going through in life.
In a text written by palmist Frank Clifford (1), he says that the lines on the palm are directly linked to nerve endings from the brain, which may explain why a lot of hand markings relate to brain-based traits like talents and psychological tendencies.
Are palmistry markings and hand signs something that can change or are they set in stone?
One thing that’s important to note about hand reading is that apart from fingerprints, many lines on the hand can change over time and there are also more fleeting hand signs like hand colour and texture that can change from moment to moment and day to day. So if a palmist gives you a reading, whatever he says isn’t something that has to be true forever – it’s most likely accurate just for the time of the reading.
The most important message I’d like to get across in this introduction to hand reading is that no matter what your hand signs say right now, if there’s something in a hand reading that you don’t like, remember that signs and lines can change.
Palmistry cannot predict your future
Another important note about hand reading is that palmistry is not an accurate predictor of the future. I’ll repeat this because it’s important: palmistry cannot predict your future in a certain way.
Hand readers can give you a guess at which path you’re heading towards, but you always have the power to choose a different path if you wish.
Never read a hand marking in isolation
Yet another important point that I wanted to include in the introduction is that generally, it is best to interpret hand signs whilst considering the whole hand. The interpretation of a certain hand sign on its own could be different if it’s found alongside other signs on the hand so reading it in isolation could lead to an inaccurate reading.
Throughout this series, I will be talking about isolated signs but as you hear about them, please do bear in mind that all signs need to be interpreted in the context of the whole hand.
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Ok! That’s it for the main background points!
In the next lesson we’ll be looking at understanding the difference between reading the right hand vs reading the left hand.
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(1) Clifford F. 2012. Palmistry Today: Modern Hand Analysis (link to online article)
(2) Clifford F. 2002. Palmistry 4 today (link to book on Amazon.com) (on Amazon.co.uk
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