I wanted to write this article after I observed how my housemate successfully treated a fungal skin infection with antifungal essential oils. It was my first time seeing someone treat a fungal skin rash without the use of conventional antifungal creams and the experience was so eye-opening for me that I wanted to share it with you here as another possible method of treating fungal skin infections.
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What kind of fungal skin infection we were treating:
The fungal skin infection I observed being treated was a fungal, red, itchy, raised area on my housemate’s back in the area where the bra strap is in contact with the skin. She also mentioned she had an itchy breast with the same fungal rash-look as her back which she also treated in the way I’m about the describe below. I think it most likely originated from wearing synthetic, tight clothing on a couple of warm days, that didn’t allow the skin to breathe, combined with not laundering her synthetic-material bra every day. Possibly also her immune system was a little down from stress.
In any case, she couldn’t reach the area of her back that needed treating so asked if I could help her treat it which is how I got to see the whole fungus treatment process.
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How we treated her fungal skin infection:
My housemate and I are both very interested in complementary and alternative medicine and before reaching for conventional antifungal creams she decided she wanted to give a more natural remedy a chance, and wanted me to help her apply antifungal essential oils to the fungal rash on her back.
- Melaleuca Alternifolia (tea tree) essential oil
The first essential oil we tried for treating her skin fungus was Tea Tree oil, also known as Melaluca alternifolia essential oil (this one). We applied this neat, 1 drop, straight on the fungus, twice a day, morning and night. After about a week of daily treatment, it seemed to be helping a little but the healing was very slow so we thought we’d try a different antifungal oil instead to see if that worked better.
- Lavender and Geranium essential oils:
After reading that Lavender and Geranium essential oils were also possible helpful antifungal remedies, we applied 1 drop of lavender essential oil (this one) and 1 drop of geranium essential oil (this one
), neat / undiluted, and rubbed them thoroughly into the fungal rash. The first time we applied it was in the evening before going to bed and my housemate said she felt a relief of the itchiness after we massaged in the oils.
The following morning, the rash was already looking much, much better. The redness was more faded and the texture less raised. We thought the healing-up effect was more obvious and strong than when we had tried the Tea Tree oil so we persevered with the Lavender and Geranium method for the following week, applying it morning and night. Every day, the fungal rash seemed to fade more and more and the fungal skin seemed to be flaking off, allowing new healthier skin to surface.
- Coconut oil:
When the skin was looking a little flaky and dry, we applied coconut oil (this one) to moisturize the skin. We’d both read that coconut oil could be used as an antifungal so it seemed like a good way to both moisturize and help the healing process.
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Other treatment alongside the essential oils
Alongside the topical application of essential oils, my housemate also took vitamin C (500mg/d, this one) and zinc (22mg/d, this one
) supplements to help strengthen her immune system to help fight the fungus, and also both of those nutrient are good for skin health in general.
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How long it took to heal up
After about 2 weeks of anti-fungal treatment with essential oils, supplements and coconut oil, with it looking better and better every day, the rash disappeared.
I was so delighted to find a natural alternative remedy way to treat fungal infections that I felt it was worth sharing in case it can help anyone else out there too!
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Disclaimer: I’m just a normal consumer rather than a practitioner so everything in this article is just based on my personal experience rather than being professional advice. I’m also in no way affiliated with the particular product brands I refer to in this article – just a satisfied customer. Although I have no link to the particular brands mentioned in this article, this site is working in affiliation with Amazon.com and the links to products in this article are referral links via my Amazon associates account.