Natural Treatment & Remedy for Dermatitis

A couple of weeks ago I got a little patch of dermatitis on my leg and thought I’d have a go at finding a dermatitis treatment that was natural. I wanted to share with you my experience in case it is helpful for anyone out there! Continue reading

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Palmistry: Reading Finger Signs & Meaning of Parts of Fingers

If you find you have a certain sign or symptom that happens to be isolated to a certain segment or subdivision of your finger, this finger sign could have a meaning according to the art of finger reading (a sub-subject within palmistry and hand reading).

By signs or symptoms, we’re talking about things like:

  • a beauty spot or mark that arises on a finger segment
  • redness or swelling that’s isolated to a specific part of the finger
  • an injury that happened on a particular finger subdivision (bruise/ sprain / break / cut / other)
  • Stiffness, pain or sensitivity that’s isolated to a specific location on the finger

To find out what your finger sign could indicate, it’s helpful to look at the diagram below which shows what each finger segment (known as “phalange” in palmistry lingo) symbolizes. The table below goes into more detail about what signs on each finger segment could relate to.

finger palmistry - analysis of phalange subsections subdivision sections - hand reading finger analysis - parts of finger signs meaning Continue reading

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Organic & Natural Hair Products: Best Natural Shampoos?

natural hair products natural organic shampoo recommendations with healthy health-conscious safe ingredients - which one to choose I recently researched the best natural soaps and body washes I could find, and am now having a look at organic, natural hair products, namely I’m on the lookout for the best natural shampoo out there: a product that only contains healthy, clean, natural ingredients, that is going to be both good for making your hair look clean, shiny and beautiful, AND is health-conscious and safe for your body. Continue reading

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All Natural Skin Care: Natural body wash & soaps with healthy ingredients‏

natural skin care - which soaps and bodywashes are safe for your skin to choose? Picking the best Natural body wash & Natural soaps with healthy ingredients‏ It makes sense to me that what you put on your skin is important. When you put a body cream or lotion onto your skin, you can literally see it disappear and soak into your skin, into your body. Current scientific research suggests that most of the stuff that soaks into our bodies is probably the water part of the cream/ lotion, and most of the chemicals are too large to pass through the thick protective outer layers of our skin, but there do exist a small number of chemicals in the world that can pass through the skin, into our bodies – things like nicotine (that’s how nicotine patches work). (There are two great articles I was reading, that look at whether chemicals in products can get through our skin, here and also here). If there is even just a tiny chance that some chemicals in soaps or cosmetics that we use can potentially be slightly absorbed into our bodies, I’d prefer to only apply health-conscious ingredients onto my skin to ensure that whatever gets in will only be healthy ingredients that will be kind to our cells and health.

In a bid to find great health-conscious bodycare products both for myself and for anyone else out there who’d also be interested in finding these, I’ve been on the lookout for the best natural body wash and healthy natural soap options out there.

Here are my findings so far for the best healthy soaps and bodywashes I could find.
(Bear in mind this isn’t a list of ALL the good products out there, just the ones I’ve discovered so far). Continue reading

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Making decisions the Abraham Hicks way

decision making process how to decide important decisions and things in the spiritual enlightened meditative abraham hicks way When we have a decision to make, there are two main ways to go about it:
1.) The “reasoning mind way” and
2.) The “Source guided way”.

A lot of people who aren’t in the “receptive mode” and aren’t “tunde into Source”, mostly function through the reasoning mind. The reasoning mind uses logic, facts, statistics and past experiences to help you make decisions. The reasoning mind likes to categorize things into boxes to make sense of them, to make pros and cons lists, to tick off things systematically and logically. But when you do that, you often limit yourself by the limitations of the reasoning mind. For example just because something has a 20% chance of happening, the reasoning mind may say “oh, it’s unlikely, so I’ll not do it”, but then you’re limiting yourself because what if you had what it takes to be amongst the 20% of successful people? If you had tuned into your receptive mode, Source would have told you that it’s a sure thing that you have what it takes to be amongst the 20% successful people.

Once you know how to tune into your receptive mode, the receptive mind takes far less effort to know what’s right or wrong; it just feels for what’s in line with Source, so making the decision is easy: the right answer is what *feels* right when you’re in your receptive mode.

How to get into your receptive mode?

getting into the receptive mode connecting to source via Meditation to receive the right internal guidance and answers to questions to help you make the correct wise important life decisions and help you decide It’s a bit like getting into a meditative state. You can lie down or sit; whatever you prefer. Let your body relax and quieten your mind.

Let your own reasoning active mind step back a little bit and let the mind that operates through the receptive mode dominate.

When you successfully tune in to your receptive mode it can be little disorientating at first when you’re not used to it. Sometimes you might even feel a little swoony and disorientated when you’re totally tuned into the receptive mode and operating through the receptive mode. Realise that swoony sensation is just you getting a little bit in the way. You can just breathe away the disorientation until you reach a better-feeling place.

From within the receptive mode, now you can ask the question, then quieten your mind and listen for the answer from Source.

You’ll know when it’s right because you’ll have no doubt.
It won’t be a case of “am I making this up?” it’ll be a case of “wow!”
Sometimes the answers may even be answers that you hadn’t expected, but they feel right!

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Abraham Hicks on Self-Consciousness

what is self-consciousness and how do we overcome feeling self-conscious and shy? A spiritual perspective on it inspired by Abraham Hicks What is feeling self-conscious?

Feeling self-conscious is a state where you’re so aware of what you’re saying and what you’re doing, that you don’t feel free to relax and be yourself. Often self-consciousness comes with feelings of fear of others thinking negative things about you. Sometimes it goes beyond conscious thought so you may not consciously know why you are feeling self-conscious; what you’re afraid will happen; at this stage it has reached a state of just being an ingrained habit of feeling. (But all habits are reversible!) At the core of it is usually the desire to appear our best in front of others. Continue reading

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What is “letting go” according to Abraham Hicks?

Let go and be in the now - Spiritual quote about letting go and being present According to a recording I heard by Abraham Hicks, they say that letting go of something involves:

1.) Not trying too hard

2.) Not being too introspective about it

3.) Having a relaxed, easy-about-it, trusting intention that you’ll feel yourself along the way in the right direction.

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How to feel any desired feeling according to Abraham Hicks

find a feeling that you love and focus on it to activate it and get into visualizing it to help you feel like that more often - abraham hicks Abraham Hicks suggest the following simple steps to feel any positive feeling on a regular basis:

1.) Find a non-resistant statement to express what you are wanting

Say your desire is “to feel happy”. There is more than one way to say this and different statements have different vibrations to them.

Instead of saying “I want to be happy” which often has resistance to it, perhaps this statement will feel better to you:
“I want to feel out the next step on the path of least resistance in the direction of feeling happy”

2.) Find the feeling:

This involves thinking of a time when you’ve felt the desired feeling. Found a time when you’ve felt it? Then move onto the next step!

3.) Feel the feeling:

practice positivity and practise feeling good through finding descriptive words for all the positive stuff and feelings Bring the feeling back to life by picturing it as vividly as you can. Recall what all your senses experienced when you felt that feeling. Did you feel delicious goosebumps or butterflies in your stomach? Do you associate the feeling with a certain visual place or a certain smell?

Describe the feeling in as much detail as you can. Does it feel light and warm and light feeling? Does it feel sparkley or bouncey? Does it remind you of another good feeling? Maybe it feels like eating ice-cream on a warm summer’s day? Be as creative as you can in getting into the feeling place of it.

Write down all the details you can of the feeling as well as you can to help you remember this good-feeling-place.

4.) Practice the feeling of it

This is the most important step: practice helps you tune your “radio station” to this frequency more and more often.

After Step 3, now you have a feel-good example written down. So, now every time you want to get into that feeling-place, you can read back over your example to practice feeling that great feeling. As you read over the words, really try to FEEL it as much as possible. Practice getting into that feeling place.

When you practice you may discover you have new inspired details to add to your description – add them! The more the better!

5.) Don’t beat up on yourself when you’re not there

Even when we know we want to be at a certain feeling-place, it’s natural for us to fluctuate a little in our vibration during the day. It’s important to be kind to yourself and be easy about it. It’s ok if you’re not feeling amazing all the time and it’s even ok if you don’t feel like actively practising the feel-good-focus-exercise all the time. Just do your best, try to reach for better feeling thoughts to lift yourself out of the lower-energy moods; and try to soothe yourself into practising to feel good, and then keep on practising feeling good as often as possible so it raises your vibrational set-point higher and higher.

It doesnt matter if you don’t get all the way to ecstatically happy all the time right away; it just matters that you move in the direction of feeling better; moving gradually up the emotional scale from where you were before.

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Appreciation for having something pleasant to focus on

being in a state of focus and having somthing pleasant to be focused on - focusing to feel good abraham hicks rampage of appreciation I love having something pleasant and interesting to focus on.

The more I focus on something, the more it opens the way for new thoughts around the subject; new ideas and potential experiences; leading to expansion of thought as I focus at new levels and depths.

By having something to focus on and work on, it gives me a sense of something to aim for

It gives ideas of places I want to reach relative to where I am right now

It gives me a focus for progress and development
It gives me a sense of direction
It helps to give me a sense of purpose
It gives me a sense of fulfillment
It gives me a sense of peace of mind when my mind is occupied with the object of attention

I love that when I have something to focus upon…
It feels interesting
It feels captivating focussing leads to focussed success and feelings of achievement
It feels stimulating
It feels like sparks firing
It feels satisfying
It feels like delicious busy-ness
It feels like you have something great to do with your time
It feels engrossing
It feels fun
It feels like my energy is focussed
It makes me feel centered
It makes me feel focused
It makes me feel good

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Appreciation for feeling interested in something

feeling interested in something and focusing on it with great interest and focus eg when you read you feel engaged focussed on reading I love the way I feel when I’m truly, deeply interested in something.

It feels fresh
It feels exciting
It feels stimulating

It activates my curiosity
It activates my desire for further exploration
It activates my desire to know more

When something really interests me,
It feels engaging
It feels engrossing
It feels like I can’t wait to learn more about it
It feels like I’m eager to spend more time focusing on it talking on a cell phone or mobile is something you do when you're interested in chatting to the person on the other end and hearing what they have to say about a topic of interest
It feels like eagerness
It feels like keeness
It feels sparkly
It feels new
It feels bright
It feels light
It feels easy
It feels like interest leads to a state of flow
Being in a state of flow and ease
Where time goes by quickly and you’re just enjoying the process

It feels like good utilization of your time
It feels like good utilisation of your freedom to do anything

Feeling like something’s super interesting feels so good!
It feels life-giving
It feels like it enriches my life
It feels wonderful!

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