Appreciation for Togetherness

animal poster with cute puppies happy to be together - imagery for togetherness and feeling amidst family and friends - you're not alone

I love feeling of togetherness when you’re with other people or even just with another person.

I love how you can sense their aliveness; their energy; a busy little bubbling of energy.

I love how you can sense the energy flow between you and them and how it’s dynamic and responsive to your mood and state

Feeling togetherness…
It feels warm
As Olaf might say, it feels like a warm hug!
It feels safe
It feels comfortable Feeling togetherness - happy someone always there for you - like Elsa and Anna from Frozen in this poster entitled Together Forever
It feels secure
It feels dynamic
It feels alive
It feels relaxed
It feels stimulating
It feels like you’re connected
It feels like you’re not alone
It feels like there’s someone there for you
It feels like there’s someone to share experiences with
It feels like there’s someone to talk to
It feels like shared energy
It feels like shared experience
It feels like co-creation of energy and experience
Co-creation at its best :)

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Appreciation for a Song I love

What beautiful good music makes me feel - emotions songs and feelings I recently heard a couple really beautiful covers of Adele’s song “Hello” (this one by Conor Maynard, and this one by the youtube channel Ciuffi Rossi where the singers are these very talented twins) and I was so filled with appreciation for the beauty of the music and the talent of the singers that I wanted to do a rampage of appreciation on it! Here it is!

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I love it when you hear a song and get into the sound right away; get into the mood of it; into the beat.

I love that moment in the song right before the chorus or your favourite bit of the song kicks in when you’re looking forward to what you know is coming next – that delicious anticipation of the awesomeness that is to come!

I love the way I can feel my head wanting to sway and bop along with the music

I love the way I feel the strong urge to join in; to whistle.. mouth the words in perfect time with the music.. to sing along

I love the bits where you feel the singer puts all their heart and soul into it; belting beautifully like they’re really feeling the song through every fibre of their being

I love the bits in the song where gorgeous harmonies kick in – ahh I love the sound of perfectly harmonious harmonies so much! They totally give me shivers!

Listening to a song I really love..
At that moment there is no thought; just a clean, open mind that’s listening and enjoying.
It feels captivating How good songs make me feel - Black and white Classical music flow doodle with musical notes treble clef piano keyboard keys creative art artwork poster
It feels encompassing
It feels engrossing
It feels like appreciation
It feels like being at one with the music and with the singer
It feels like the energy of the tune fills you (eg fun / happy / heartfelt)
It feels like it makes me want to smile
It feels satisfying
It feels magical
It feels like energy flowing through you
It feels like life flowing through you
It feels wonderful! :)

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Keeping track of my manifestations (evidence of the Law of Attraction at work!) Continue reading

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Abraham Hicks Pivoting technique tip: Use Soothing Words that resonate with you without a wobble

When using positive pivoting of thoughts to go up the emotional scale from less-good feelings to increasingly better feelings, here’s a useful tip:

Use words that you believe in your soothing statements.

For example:

I want to feel love for myself” has less wobbles than “I love myself”

I want to believe that we’re a good match” has less wobble than “I know I’m a good match with this person”

I would like to trust that the universe is looking out for me” has less wobble in it than “I believe that the universe is looking out for me”.

It’s important to choose words you can believe in; words that have the least amount of wobble to help you get to the better-feeling-place rather than just saying words that you don’t believe. Take the time to tune in to the feelings of the pivot-phrases you use and pick your words to make them words you can say comfofortably and FEEL and believe their truth completely.

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Also, sometimes, if you’re way down the emotional guidance scale, the most soothing words may be something relatively “not very spiritual-sounding” and what some judgemental folk may consider to be “unenlightened”.

For example, if you’re down in Anger, a little rant can help.
AbeForumer Cosmic suggested a rant regarding anger at unjust rules in an institution such as a school or office that really helped me when I was in Anger so I thought I’d share it with you. The suggestions was that the rant can go something like this:

“There are too many stupid rules in this place, no one tells me clearly what they are, who the hell is running this place anyway?!… These rules are silly. I have formed a preference that I don’t want to follow them and that’ OK! Because I get to have preferences! These rules are quite ridiculous…but I won’t always be here, in this place. These rules are silly…but I’ve been in other places before and I will be again.”
“These rules are silly…but while I work on feeling better about other, softer topics…I’m actually doing my vibrational work on this topic, too.”

This kind of rant may help release the initial anger and give some relief and soothing from the negative emotion, so is an important step towards feeling better before you continue your pivoting in the more “spiritually-sounding-statements” way. The vibrational relief comes first and then the more rational thoughts becomes available. If you just intellectually think something good, but don’t feel it, then it is not doing much.

If you reach too far up the scale for statements that are up in Reason, Understanding, Forgiveness etc, but you’re really in Anger, the words won’t be super effective in soothing you in a big way. It may appear that the Forgiveness soothing statementis more enlightened, but if it doesn’t resonate with you strongly, chances are it won’t soothe you very effectively. It may help a little, maybe soothing a tiny bit but maybe you’ll find yourself dipping back down in emotions fairly quickly or feeling like the issue is still unresolved fully. The most powerfully soothing words are usually closer to where you really are on the Emotional Guidance Scale, and these kinds of words can help you have a more sustained pivot that leaves the issue feeling more fully resolved.

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Why do I attract into my life irritating people, annoying situations and things that irritate and annoy me?

Inspired by Abraham Hicks, here are a few thoughts on this topic of why we find ourselves in situations that annoy us, or find ourselves coming across people who irritate us:

emotional scale of emotions saywhydoi abraham hicks david hawkins1.) Because you’re already vibrating near irritation:
On the emotional scale, we often fluctuate from one set point to another at different points in our lives. During the times when we find ourselves attracting annoyances and irritation into our lives, it means that we’re vibrating round about those levels close to irritation already – teetering on the brink of it, often experiencing emotions like frustration, impatience, overwhelment, disappointment and / or worry. Once you deliberately pivot your thoughts more positively and uplift yourself to a more positive emotional state (eg around neutrality, courage, trust and higher); once you’re vibrating at a higher level you will not be able to rendez vous with irritation so often any more.

2.) Because what you see is a mirror for something in your vibration
If you look in more detail at *what* is irritating you – the specifics of it – it can be meaningful because it’s often reflecting back to you something that’s already active in your vibration. Continue reading

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Why Criticism About Others Feels Bad: Why does it feel bad when someone tells you negative things about someone else?

abraham hicks on why hearing criticism and negativity spoken about other people feels bad and negative Abraham Hicks say:
“Anytime you feel negative emotion, stop and say: Something is important here; otherwise, I would not be feeling this negative emotion.”

So when someone is saying negative stuff about someone else (it doesn’t matter they’re talking about a celebrity, politician, a colleague, a friend, or family member), what does it mean if it feels bad to you to hear this negative stuff about them?

Here are a few possible ideas of why hearing criticism about others feels bad: Continue reading

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Turning Thoughts and Desires to things – How to Manifest anything according to Abraham Hicks

Here is a paraphrased version of what Abraham Hicks had to say about to how manifest something like finding money on the ground when you’re out for a walk:

Say you want to manifest finding a $20 note when you’re out on your walk.

If a desire is active (say: I desire to find a $20 note on this walk), your inner being knows where you stand in relation to that desire.

If you spend all your time during the walk scanning your environment, looking for that $20 bill, that’s going about it the hard way and you’ll miss so many things along the way.

If you:
a.) trust in the timing of the moment and
b.) trust in your ability to follow inspiration, and
c.) if you’re not trying so hard to do it…
… of course it will happen.

That is how you manifest a $20 or anything else that you desire.

Source: paraphased from this youtube video.

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How to improve eyesight: My Myopia Treatment Plan

My starting point on my natural eye improvement journey is about 16 years worth of wearing glasses pretty much all day every day, and this is my starting-point prescription before starting any new habits or exercises:
Sphere:      R -4.25       L-4.75
Cylinder:  R +0.25      L +0.50
Axis:          R 180          L 60

I’m now at the stage where I’m ready to make a treatment plan for myself to follow to try and improve my eyesight.

After reading “Improve your Vision Without Glasses or Contact Lenses”, I learned that there are slightly different techniques and exercises to use in order to treat different eyesight conditions. With that in mind, I thought it would be helpful to condense here the specific parts of eyesight improvement which are helpful for myopic / near-sighted / short-sighted people like me, to help come with a strategy or plan of action for how to go about improving your eyesight naturally.

So in brief, here is my strategy for treating my myopia:

Step 1: Before doing Eye Improvement exercises, first relieve any eye strain Continue reading

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Edge Tracking Eye Exercise

This ciliary eye muscle strengthening, eye focusing exercise is called “Blur Zoning”, “Edging exercise”, “Tracking”, “Edge Tracking” or “Edge Tracing”.

How to do this Edging Exercise:

This palm tree trunk has a good edge for your to track in this edging eye exercise 1.) Choose an object that has a clearly defined edge (like the edge of a window, edge of a door, a dark tree branch or tree trunk against the sky, the edge of a building, a telephone pole etc). Without glasses (or with undercorrected glasses that you’re learning to focus with), make sure the object is far enough away from you to be slighty blurry but not extremely blurry. (In “Print Pushing” exercise terminology, we’re talking about being somewhere between D1 and D2). Be a distance where you can see the object’s lightly blurred edge.

Telephone poles have good strong lines and edges for working on your blur zoning via edging exercises 2.) Ensuring your body is relaxed and your mind is calm, allow your eyes to slowly move along the edge of the object, edge-tracking its slightly blurry edges. The idea is to carefully study the slightly blurred object’s edges, whilst staying relaxed (and not squinting, straining or efforting too much). And the idea is that by training your eyes to do this, eventually edges at this distance will come into better focus. Continue reading

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Clock Rotations eye muscle stretching exercise

clock rotation eye exercise technique for stretching and strengthening the extraocular eye muscles How to do the Clock Rotation eye exercise

1.) Choose an object that’s in front of you at a distance where you’re able to keep it in good focus. You can do this without glasses, or with undercorrected glasses. Imagine this object is the center-point in the middle of a clock.

2.) Without moving your head, move your eyes towards where the 9 O’clock position would be, giving your eye muscles a stretch to the left, and keep your eyes there for a couple of seconds to allow the extraocular muscles to have a good stretch. Then return to the object-center-point.

3.) Do the same exercise with position 10 O’clock, then 11, 12 etc going all the way around the imaginary clock.

Going all the way around the clock should take about 30 seconds or so.
In the book “Improve your Vision” they suggest doing this exercise for 1-2 minutes at a time, so maybe go around the clock twice for one eye exercise session. Continue reading

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