I love feeling comfortable in my own skin
- I love it when I’m feeling comfortable in a situation
- I love it when I’m feeling comfortable with people
- It feels like knowing you are accepted / acceptable
- It feels like knowing you are loved / loveable
- It feels like knowing you are worthwhile
- It feels like knowing you are worth hearing out
- It feels like knowing you are worth being there
- It feels like knowing you are fine just the way you are
- It feels like all tension has melted away
- It feels like there is zero self-consciousness
- It feels like there are no “shoulds”
- It feels like there are no expectations
- It feels like you don’t have to “try” to do or be anything
- It feels like being relaxed
- It feels like relief
- It feels more thought-free
- It feels like you’re completely present
- It feels more like “being yourself”
- It feels like “this is me!”
- It feels like it’s easier now to let the best parts of you shine
- It feels natural
- It feels nice
- It feels simple
- It feels like it’s easier now to have fun
- It feels effortless
- It feels free
- It feels easy
- It feels good
- It feels comfortable
I love feeling comfortable