For over 10 years now, I have been an avid reader of new age and non-religious spiritual literature. Here is a short list of the top spiritual books and authors that I’ve read and would recommend:
Focus on Attaining Peace: Spiritual Books by Eckhart Tolle
The way I see it, Eckhart Tolle teaches three fundamental things:
1.) The importance of being in this present moment
2.) The existence of the true self vs the non-true self (the ego and the pain body)
3.) The importance of achieving a state of “no thought” and peace.
To read about this theme of spirituality I would strongly recommend the following two books by Tolle:
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Focus on getting what you want: Spiritual books by Abraham Hicks
Whilst Eckhart Tolle teaches mostly about attaining a state of peace, calm and “being”, Abraham Hicks focuses on attaining a state of happiness through manifesting your desires. Need tips on how to attract more money, more loving people, or more of anything else into your life? Abraham’s probably the best one to read. Here are a few of my personal favorite Abraham Hicks books:
For me, a combination of Eckhart Tolle and Abraham Hicks covers almost everything I ever questioned and wanted to understand better about spirituality.
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Books about life between lives & life after death
Whilst Hicks & Tolle teach much about living life, they don’t say a lot about life after death. The go-to guy for me in this department is Michael Newton, a hypnotherapist who stumbled upon the ability to regress people back in time, to before they were born. Michael Newton books (click on the link to check some of them out on Amazon) are amongst the best ones I’ve ever read on what happens to souls after death of the physical body. His books are truly fascinating.
Wonderful fiction books with a spiritual message
I know a lot of people have loved The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho as a fiction book with a spiritual message. For me, my absolute favorite is The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
, by Robin Sharma. It was the first spiritual book I ever read and it has a special place in my heart.
Other great spiritual authors to check out
Clicking on the names below will take you to to show you some of their books:
- Deepak Chopra
- Louise Hay
- David Hawkins
- Seth Books by Jane Roberts